March 17th 2022: The Sydney Morning Herald (click here for link)
July 17th 2021: Sydney Morning Herald (click here for link)
May 27th 2021: Limelight Magazine (click here for link)
May 21st 2021: Sydney Morning Herald (click here for link)
Apr 20th 2021: Limelight Magazine (click here for link)
Wilkins writes: "Don't be scared. When musicians say there are no limits, and embrace adventure, they will be free"
6th March 2021: Eastside Radio Blog: Sister Shoutout
March 2nd 2021: Limelight Magazine
March 1st 2021: Sydney Morning Herald
"Wilkins' six re-interpretations of Bach are meetings of minds...Wilkins is a powerhouse player - with taste"
‘For me, I became more prolific and confident when I returned to work after having children,’ said Wilkins. ‘I seemed to have a stronger vision for what sound I wanted. But the main thing was, I stopped worrying so much about what others think.’
28th Feb 2020: Limelight Magazine
Oct 9th 2019 - Local News

March 26th 2019 Resonate Magazne (Australian Music Centre) Yulugi article
Jan 31st 2018 - The Music Trust/Loudmouth E-zine Orbits and Riffs review
June 2017 - Jazz and Beyond Orbits and Riffs album review by Peter Wockner: "Full of sonic textures and infinite possibility, this is one of the true concept albums of recent years. 4 STARS."
Mar 4th 2016 - Syke on Stage review
Feb 7th 2016 - Inner West Courier
Nov 1st 2015 - Altmedia
SEPT 2013 - Fred and Ginger review: "Her solitude is broken by Key, a servile mute who busies herself around Anon, following orders and breaking into beautiful flute solos on command. Anon stands on a small wooden stool surrounded by photographs of herself and Key, floating in an ocean of the desperation of self-awareness, as Key distracts herself following the pointless requests that chop and change according to Anon’s ecstatic whims."
Aug 7th 2011 - Inner West Courier